
First Aid Guide/Report

This works well as a two sided document backed by a "FIRST AID FOR EQUESTRIAN EVENTS" page (as created by the Canadian Equestrian Federation and St. John Ambulance).
It is important that others control the horse while the first aider attends to the rider.
I will also remember forever what the facilitator said "As riders we are too tough. We jump right up and want to get right back on but instead we should remember how hockey players respond to falls and lay there so precious, taking forever out there on the ice." Since then I always encourage my students to remain still and do a self-check before trying to move in the event of falls...
First Aider Name:
Name of Casualty:

Primary Survey

1. Airway □ clear □ partly blocked □ completely blocked

2. Breathing □ effective □ ineffective □ no

3. Circulation - Pulse □ yes □ no
- Bleeding □ no □ yes □ severe
- Shock □ no □ yes

Head to Toe Exam
□ Head □ Neck □ Collarbones □ Shoulders □ Arms/Hands
□ Chest and under □ Abdomen and under
□ Pelvis/Buttocks □ Legs/Feet

First Aid Given: _____________________________________________________________


Secondary Survey/Vital Signs Time Taken: _______________

Level of consc. : __________

Breathing rate: __________
Breathing rhythm: __________
Breathing depth: __________
Pulse rate: __________
Pulse rhythm: __________
Pulse strength: __________
Skin cond/Temp: __________

Events leading to incident: _________________________________________________________
Past Medical History:
Last Meal:

Hand over to medical help:_______________________________________________