
Turn on the Forehand Lesson

[ ] Pre-Mount Tack Check

This is a lesson to feel horse’s quarters and teach/remind the horse to move away from your /the rider’s legs

Head, body and neck stay straight while front feet make a small circle in one spot and hind feet move around them in a larger circle.
When quarters move left, the right hind must cross in front of the left hind.

Demonstrate by pressing right hand on right thigh and cross right leg over left. Push, ease push, push ease push.

Practice and Corrections:
Move in off the track 3 or 4 feet, staying parallel to side of arena.

The sole aid is from the right leg.. The horse will try and move forward, your hands say no. Your body remains quiet, upright, and balanced, with weight evenly on both seat bones.

Don’t let the horse give you more than you want. Start with one stride at a time, returning all aids to a resting position and praising the horse before asking for consecutive strides – it is the timing of the leg that the horse must obey.

Evaluation and Wrap up: