
The Emergency Action Plan

In case of accident
1) take charge, halt the event or activity.
2) call for help
3) provide medical assistance to injured people or animals as soon as possible
4) contain situation to avoid further injury and accidents (get the horse = "clear the risk of the further harm by securing the area")
5) control crowds for their protection and  CLEAR LOCATION FOR EMERGENCY PERSONNEL
provide directions including major instersections and major landmarks. be able to provide precise instructions for location(s) of and on facility.
[ ] wait by driveway entrance to the facility to direct
4) identify yourself/offer help

airway/breathing/bleeding/pulse/back/neck/head/consciousness/visible trauma to limb/cannot move...
- have gloves close on hand, in case of bleeding
- remember to shelter participant from elements

5) Second Assessment
[ ] gather facts
[ ] keep participant calm and safe
[ ] assess the injury
[ ] complete accident report form
[ ] collect witness statements at time of accident

[ ] control the return to the activity

the EC paperwork for TD's says if you are unsure what to do, pls call the insurance ppl on their 24h emergency # also not to discuss the accident with anyone but EC, their lawyer or ins.