
Balance and Motion

This works well as a lunge lesson, thus
Create barrier for correct size of circle with poles on ground

lunge line (noseband method)
lunge whip with braiding elastics on handle
side reins, bell boots and brush boots on all 4
instructor's helmet and gloves

10 min
Warm up horse each direction, no side reins (including small canters)
Warm up horse each direction, with side reins (including small canters)
[ ] Introduction of Instructor with credentials, and, get students names
[ ] discussion re: benefits of lunging process
[ ] discussion of horse’s suitability
[ ] Tack check with explanations
[ ] Mounting procedure with explanations
[ ] affix reins in throat latch
[ ] positional adjustments at halt before rider rides off
5 min
[ ] assessment exercises

(at walk, identify horse’s leg movement at walk)

Positional Exercise, to work on rider's seat:
let legs completely loose, toes dangling down
practice sitting on your seat bones
torso still, loose in the hips
progress to trot or canter
we ride with our seat and thighs
weight and balance

we control the horse's movements with our lower body not our hands

[ ] unknot reins
[ ] dismounting procedure with explanations
think "soldier dismount"