(should be published on website and outside the arena, as well as inside)
¨ No cell phones
¨ Call DOOR and wait for permission to enter
¨ All spectators sit on bleachers in corners
¨ When leaving call DOOR so everyone knows, and wait til the way is clear
¨ Pass left to left
¨ Mount and Dismount in centre
¨ If someone is having trouble with a horse, all riders stop
¨ If walking, leave main track free for faster horses
¨ Lesson riders have right of way. Try to avoid riding during group lessons.
¨ no lungeing during lessons or if there are more than 2 horses
¨ there is a flashlight on top of the power box in case of power failure
¨ do not leave poles, fences or jump cups on the track
¨ last person using heater should turn them off
¨ turn off the light when not in use
¨ doors should be left closed